Sunday, July 18, 2010

Summer Update

Thanks to Gram for reminding me to post new pictures. Time has really gotten away from me. Everyone warned me that three kids would be crazy, but I thought, "How hard can it be?" Collin was such an easy baby that I figured another baby couldn't be that hard. Well Dylan decided to prove me wrong. He is most happy on me; nursing, being held, worn in the Snugli or Moby. That's where you'll find him. Which makes it hard to get a good picture of him. Set him down and he protests. Naps are only about 20 minutes unless I'm holding or wearing him. Thankfully he is my best sleeper at night.... once I get him to sleep. That part takes a couple hours of feeding, screaming, swaddling, etc. But once he's down he sleeps 6-8 hours. He is smiling more now, and even giggles! He loves sucking on his fingers, so much so that I think he might already be teething.

The big brothers are non-stop action. Collin is really into Cars and trains and Austin is my superhero. This means you can usually find me simultaneously playing cars and Batman (or some other heroic figure) while nursing or holding Dylan. I'm only able to spend some time on this update because Nathan has Dylan in the Snugli and the other two are napping.