Saturday, December 30, 2006

Eight Months

What a month! Austin has learned to crawl with his belly off the ground, pull up on the furniture to a stand, and now he's "furniture walking." It seems like it happened overnight. He likes to stick his tongue out at you and says "pa pa pa" and "bo bo bo." He's eating finger foods like cheerios and toast.

This month started with a trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium where we saw jelly fish, sharks, rays, and penquins. Austin had a blast playing in the baby area.
We had a wonderful first Christmas, surrounded by all of his grandparents. Christmas morning they all came over and spoiled him rotten with tons of new toys and clothes. We've put away the rattles and now he's playing with big boy toys.

Here's an album of the highlights of December. Click on his picture to start.

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Click picture to view Austin's album

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Seven Months

Austin loves to eat! He's starting to eat with his hands and loves the Gerber veggie puffs.

Most of his time is spent moving around from toy to toy, putting everything in his mouth. And with all that chewing he's sprouted two bottom teeth and the top one is on it's way.

There's no stopping this little man now. He is moving all over the place with his "commando" crawl. He doesn't get his belly off the ground; he uses his arms and legs to move around like he's in the army. And while he's moving he talks with sounds like "mmmmm" and "ba ba ba." And he still loves blowing raspberries.

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