Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Collin's First Month

It seems like he's always been a part of our family. Was there really a time when we only had one kid? Nathan is back to work, and I've got two kids at home with me now. This past week was rough - Austin's teething, fighting a cold, and wants to do everything himself. Collin is a piece of cake compared to a toddler. As long as I keep Collin fed, dry, and moving he's quiet and peaceful. I wear him a lot more than I wore Austin. When I wear him in a sling, he sleeps so soundly.
I forgot how messy life is with a newborn... the spit up, poop, and pee. Today I'm covered in pee and spit up. Yesterday it was projectile poop while I was changing his diaper. But it's great having a sweet little baby again. He's starting to coo when he's awake. He can be awake for up to an hour at a time now, and he's sleeping pretty well through the night. I'm usually only up once to feed him at around 3. I'm sure that will change with the growth spurts around the corner, but for now we are all pretty well rested and loving our new family.

Click below to see more pictures of Collin's first month.