Tuesday, February 10, 2009

January 2009

This is Collin's last full month as a "baby." He is still cruising and shows no interest in letting go to walk, but I'm in no hurry. Collin is signing more, music, milk and he waves and claps. He also says "mama" and "dada".
Austin and Collin are starting to play together. It seems like we were indoors the entire month of January; someone was sick every day of the month. We just passed the cold around the family. So when we weren't wiping noses we took a few seconds to snap some cute pictures.
Austin is TOTALLY potty trained and actually goes to the bathroom by himself and pulls up his own pants. Whoo-hoo! I wasn't sure this day would ever come.
I've started writing down all the funny stuff Austin says. Here are some highlights:
"I have a surprise in my pants," Austin tells me from the back seat in a sneaky voice. Dreading a potty-training accident, I asked what he had. It was just an acorn he found at the park. PHEW!
"I'm not scared, cuz God's here and he's my friend... and Thomas [the train] is my friend, too." This was before bed. He's struggling with being afraid of the dark and keeps a Thomas the Train under his pillow.
"This is my brother. He takes care of me and I love him very much," he told Daddy at the train museum as he patted Collin's head. So sweet!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a neat family! Those boys have captured my heart.
Love you, Mom

5:54 AM  

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