Sunday, July 06, 2008

Collin is Four Months Old

Collin turned four months and we started some rice cereal in the evening. That seems to be his crankiest time of the day, and he seems to be so much happier after he eats. He's a messy eater, though! He's also starting to reach out and grab his toys, which makes his tummy time more enjoyable. He's spending less time on his back and Austin loves entertaining his little brother with a story (or a tantrum). He's getting so big and chunky; he weighed in at a little over 17 pounds at his four month check up. Here are some new pictures of Collin James:

Summer Fun

We've enjoyed our summer so far, although we are sick of the smoke. It's not keeping us from having fun. We've gone to the zoo, the beach, and the local swimming lagoon. Austin had a week in underwear. He was so excited to wear his new underwear that he wouldn't keep his diaper on, but after countless puddles on the floor he realized that life is more fun in a diaper. So we'll give it another try later. He also started his first sports team. We are taking a Mommy/Daddy & Me soccer class and he has loved it so far. He just runs around with Daddy and a bunch of other kids and lots of soccer balls! It's so cute to watch, and it provides a good break from the tantrums he has at home when things aren't exactly the way he demands. Two years old is a spirited time!
Check out Austin's latest activities below: