Austin at 18 Months
Austin is so tall! I'm amazed at how many shoe sizes he's grown through since the last post. It seems like everyday I put a pair of pants on him that fit him fine and now they are capris. So he's constantly mistaken for a two year old, which means people expect him to carry on a conversation. I find myself explaining to strangers "He's only 18 months, he's big for his age."
He does surprise me quite often with new words. Today we went to Grammy's house and he walked to the barking dog in the back yard and said "No, no Shadow," with a wagging finger as he scolded the dog for barking too loud. His latest words are more "mo," turtle "tu-tu," cookie "cu-cu," uh-oh," a more mature "bye" instead of the baby talk "ba ba" and ding-dong when we go to someone's door.
He's still picking up new signs and refining old signs. When he wants a cookie (a graham cracker, but don't tell Austin) he pulls out all his skills - signing cookie and please, while saying "cu-cu". Am I a bad mother for giving in to such a cute display of superior knowledge?
While we do have the occasional melt down tantrum (usually when he's tired) Austin is a lot of fun to be around. I'm just trying to enjoy being a mother of one before #2 comes along and Austin is no longer the baby.
Click Austin's picture to see more photos
07_11 Austin 18 Months |