Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ten Months

At ten months, Austin's personality is really developing. He is making different faces now, like "oh" and he wiggles his finger on his bottom lip to make a cute "bubu" noise. We play cars and he makes a "vroom" sound and he's saying "mum mum" and "da da." He's also discovered how to put his toys into containers, although he's still a long way from cleaning up after himself.
He's still cruising the furniture and he can even climb low furniture. He likes pushing the kitchen chairs around and he is still trying to get to the fireplace. He's been seen balancing without holding on, but not often and usually while he's distracted.
I think the biggest milestone this month was the stomach flu. He gave us a good scare by refusing to eat or drink for most of a day, but he's all better now.

To see Austin, click his photo

Friday, February 02, 2007

Nine Months

Austin is so curious! This month he really began exploring. Now that he is cruising, he can find his toys on his own, but that also means he can find the TV, fireplace, and anything that may have fallen on the floor. So he has learned words like "yucky," "ouch," and "no, no." He is getting so fast on his hands and knees and he likes running from me when I come after him.
He's got 6 teeth and loves to use them. He's even been known to bite feet, so watch out!

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